
Reduce your waistline during the night with this drink magical slimming!!!

Fat-Burning Drink

This drink magical fat-burning is a great way to eliminate abdominal fat and keep the line. Just eat it for a week and see the results yourself.
Precisely, the aim of this article is to present this "bomb" liquid that acts overnight to remove abdominal fat cells and help you reduce your waistline without much effort.


  • 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
  • 1 cup grapefruit juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey


Put all ingredients in a blender and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture.
Please Click "Read more" for all recipe 

Here is the recipe of another very effective drink to reduce waist circumference:

  •     1 pear
  •       Melon 1 cup diced
  • 1 cucumber
  • ½ teaspoon ginger soup (fresh grated or powdered)
  • 1 lemon


Start by pressing the lemon juice, you'll pour into the blender. Add remaining ingredients and mix until smooth smoothie. When finished, pour your mixture in a glass and enjoy!

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How to take this recipe
Drink this drink fat burning before meals, especially before lunch, and dinner. You will notice its effect on your waistline after one week.

Some benefits of ingredients
The pear : is a fruit rich in fiber, which slows digestion and permanently delay the feeling of hunger, and antioxidants that help eliminate toxins. It is also an excellent ingredient when it comes to burn abdominal fat.
The melon : is rich in water and antioxidants, it helps to treat many digestive problems such as heartburn, acid reflux and constipation. Very low in sugar, it also contributes to weight loss process by stimulating fat burning that accumulate in the abdomen.
Grapefruit : is rich in vitamins, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and fiber. It gives the body a good amount of nutrients while promoting fat burning through its ability to accelerate metabolism, regulate cholesterol and insulin in the blood. It is also very beneficial for digestion and provides a lasting feeling of satiety.
However, avoid the consumption of grapefruit if you are under medical treatment because it inhibits the absorption of drugs by the body.
Honey : has many healing properties and is also beneficial for weight loss. Slowly absorbed by the body, it provides a lasting feeling of satiety and inhibits cravings for snacks and sweet cravings. Thus, it reduces the number of calories ingested and reduces the amount of stored fat. Provided of course that it is 100% natural and organic.

Cucumber : is another "means" powerful fat burning persistent abdominal and reduce water retention in the body. Its high content of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants, as well as its low caloric intake make him an ally of slimming high efficiency.
Ginger : is a spice to innumerable virtues. Rich in nutrients, it helps fight inflammation and colds. It is also extremely effective for boosting the metabolism by increasing body temperature.
Warning: ginger is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, diabetics and people suffering from blood diseases.
Lemon : is cheating by vitamin C which improves the level of nutrient absorption and metabolism accelerates the combustion of abdominal fat. Its high content of antioxidants and fiber also enables it to detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system and improve digestion by stimulating bowel function and reduce bloating.

Apple cider vinegar : is a powerful anti bacterial. It eliminates the harmful bacteria that grow in our body and impact its operation. In addition to strengthening the defenses of our immune system, it is very effective in stabilizing blood sugar levels in the blood and slow down fat production.

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